We've just added a choice of three attractive, rigid plastic bowls. These are ideal for displaying sempervivums, cacti, and other succulents requiring a reduced depth bowl. We use them ourselves for an educational display in a large greenhouse at Komsberg Wilderness Nature Reserve in South Africa, as well as personally at home on the patio in the back garden when we need a smaller size bowl. They look great.
Our choice for "sempervivum of the month" May 2018 is 'Sprite'. This variety has consistently looked really good for the past few weeks. It isn't an obvious eye-catcher; nevertheless 'Sprite' wins you over with its delicate appearance. Yes, we know today is June 1st - but finding a few minutes to add this update to our "News" page hasn't been easy as this is our busiest time of the year.
We're just about to add three more worthy varieties to our list of sempervivums: 'Grey Ghost', Havendijker Teufel', and 'Limelight'. At the moment, we've only got a few plants of each. But they're looking very good.
'Bronze Pastel' and 'Hayling' are now back in stock - having previously sold out - and 'Brock' will also be available again very soon.
If you haven't already got 'Traffic Lights', 'Greyfriars', and 'Crispyn' (Belgium form), our plants of all three varieties are exceptionally good at present.