Fourteen new sempervivums added

Posted by Rebecca Scott on

Fourteen new varieties have just been added to our range of "simply the best" sempervivums - the last major update to our online shop for this year. Please be aware that numbers are limited, so don't delay in ordering if you're interested in any of these.

'Rosenherz' (which translates as "Rose Heart") was the winner of Sempervivum of the Year 2017 - a beautiful variety that will grace any collection.

'Orange Glow' won Sempervivum of the Year 2011.

'Leopold' has ranked highly in the Sempervivum of the Year awards and this "black" variety will surely be a future winner.

'Adamina', 'Big Blue', 'Blushes', 'Donnerluttchen', 'Fernzunder', 'Landemine', 'Red Devil', and 'Rotkopf' are the other varieties being added - as well as the species Sempervivum cilisioum var. borisii from Bulgaria - plus 'Pandaros' and 'Rita Jane' (below).

Finally, watch out for a short "how to" film that will soon be added to our "Advice" page. Speaking to camera was something new for me to get used to.....and it took no less than 60 takes to get just the first sequence right. My husband (behind the camera) was patient - but very thirsty by the end of filming.